Friday, March 30, 2012

our craziest trip ,

assalamualaikum and good mornight 
hahahahahaa :D 
here my mornight entry !
about our trip to KUALA LUMPUR * eeuuwww
even always going there but this time its really different coz im go with my SUNSHINE 
oommaaiii ,
love them so much 
 the curve ,
 oloso at the curve ,
 here , Bukit Ampang 
 the curve again ,
 we at KLCC ,

KLCC again ,
here some picture of us .
act that night ta brape meriah sbb bukan malam minggu so we'll going out at week days night
just wait and see :) hewhewhew
thank to my kesayangan 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

found all of this picture

 with my ex-boyfie MOHD SHAFIQ 
at my village
 with him again 
 with my masyam 
at Jusco Ipoh
hafis ,
all of this picture are just of my old story ,
antara orang-orang yang pernah membahagiakan ak 
thank a lot , 
i appreciate that 

suddenly I remembered my past story

tetibe teringat kisah dulu-dulu 
kisah mse im still young 
i miss my old friends !!!
kawan-kawan lama semasa duduk di MANJOI dulu 
ooommmaaii , bila la kita akan bertemu balik kan ? 
andai dapat putar balik masa tu , hhmm 
but masa tu still budak2 
i think that time im just 10y/o 
oooo gosh , what the old story ! 
but seriusly , i miss that moment 
kawan-kawan yang gila-gila 
zaman yang blom ada ms , fb , tweet and other else 
so , how can i find you all ? 
hhmmm , apa korang buat skunk kan ? 
i hope 1day we can meet again , amin 

Friday, March 23, 2012

im pretend that i never think about him



assalamualaikum and good morning ,
morning entry againnnn , hewhewhew
what a weird entry , isn't it ?
hhmm , 
his lost coz he block-ing me at FB 
why ? im also don't know why 
block-ing me with any reason .
so it is true what im feel before this ? 
im still didn't have any proof to say like that 
i need more and more proof act .
what im feel right now ? only Allah knew 
im stuck now , really-really stuck 
what must i do ? 
how i can get the true and also explaination from the other side ?
or just forget about it and feel like a stupid person ?
ooomaaii , 
someone please !

Thursday, March 22, 2012

betul ke apa yang aku rasa ni ?

assalamualaikum and morning , 
pagi-pagi lagi da terasa nak menaip and meluahkan perasaan .
entry yang agak pelik kan ? why ?
hhmm , honestly aku sendiri keliru . 
benarkah apa yang ak fikirkan ni ?
jikalau benar , apa salah ak ?
ak kacau hidup dy ke ?
ak ada buat dy benci ak ke sedang kan sebalik nye 
tapi ak ta prnah pulak nak sakit kan dy atau apa-apa lah yang boleh mengaibkan dy .
sebab apa ? sebab ak anggap dy seorang sahabat yang baik walaupun dy pernah sakit kan hati ak
ya Allah , ak meminta kepadaMu supaya tunjuk kan jalan yang benar .
tunjuk kan lah kekuatan Mu ya Allah ,
ak tidak mahu berprasangka buruk terhadap orang kerana ia nya akan menjadi satu dosa 
jika ak benar , muncul lah kebenaran nya supaya ak tidak terus bermain dengan perasaan 
kata-kata ibu ku akan selalu ku pegang 
' biar lah orang buat kamu , tapi jangan lah kamu buat orang . diam kan sahaja kerana jika kamu lakukan yakni kamu juga sama dengan orang tersebut '
oleh kerana pesan mak , ak hanya mendiam kan diri . ia nya antara dy dengan Tuhan . 
sesungguhnya Allah itu maha segalaNya . 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

will accept you as you are ,

i'll accept you as you are if you be my prince charming ,
cukup lah jika HATI mu bersih dan ikhlas terima ku seadanya ,
waiting that day , 
waiting and waiting and waiting .
ntah la sampai bila nak waiting , MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

they LIGHT my day ,

late updating , hee
quiet busy with all assgmnt * tired
i wanna share about are person that LIGHT my day * im glad to have them
this some picture of us , enjoy it

here we go , our EDUCATION NIGHT 
thank because always besides me friend 
<3 you all a lot , 
hope we can always like this until we grad . amin
a thousand thank to aziatul nazleen ( azie ) , mohamad suhaimi ( emy ) , syakila ( kila ) , khairiyah fathieyah ( ecaq ) , nur farahin ashikin ( ekin ) , wan nadia shahirah ( nad ) , syarifah nornadiah ( baby ) , farhan fauzi ( paan ) and hazim akmal ( ajim ) 

Monday, March 5, 2012

my superbb duperbbb friend

aaaaawwwwww , my superbb duperbb friend 
both of themm , 
tapi yg paling superrbb ialah MOHAMAD SUHAIMI 
dy sangat la gila2 otak nyeeee , 
senang berkawan ngn dy nieee 
suka lepak ngn dy sbb always gelak gelak 
emy mmg superbb laaaa , 
along senang kawan ngn emyy , 

p/s : buat entry nie sbb da tatao nak tulih ape , so tulih pasal emy la . emy baekkkkkk sangat sangat ! 

Friday, March 2, 2012

our picnic ,

pada 29/02/2012 kami telah menyerbu SUNGAI KANCHING 
fer what ? fer our picnic
haahahaahha :D sangat lah seronok 
tapi ta bole nak seronok sangat la sebab takut something happen kan 
this is some picture , act banyak lagi but ta masuk lagi 

hahaahhaha :D lawakkan 
nie antara picture ktorang laaa , 
ad lagi , next time upload